Annette and Gabe live a life in total union, our greatest joy is working together, loving together and serving together.
Welcome to our space . . .
We invite you to use this space as a resource, an interactive website that holds courses, videos, audios, interviews and articles for you to enjoy, learn and evolve with. This site also encompasses our services, as well as opportunities to participate in upcoming events and workshops that are aligned with the Ageless Wisdom Teachings and philosophies. Dive in.
What we offer
A counselling session with us is supportive of the client expanding to new levels of awareness and personal and worldly insight, this is instigated by them, thereby determining their own path of change at their own pace.
Universal Medicine Therapies
Annette and Gabe are both full time practitioners of energetic healing using Universal Medicine Therapies. These therapies combine counselling and honest expression with gentle and nurturing energetic healing on the body, supporting the client to re-connect with their inner-most essence and surrender to the impulses of their Soul.
Presentations, Workshops & Events
Our love of learning as students of ancient philosophy and multi-dimensionality, also known as The Ageless Wisdom Teachings, has naturally inspired us to share what we have learnt, and road tested extensively in our own lived experience into presentations and workshops, videos and audios.
Online Courses
Holding Harmony in Relationships
College of Universal Medicine,Online Course
March 2022
Via the exploration of the four qualities: Equanimity, Strength, Joy and Intimacy, this course will reveal the preciousness and enormity of what there is to draw upon in the wisdom and solidness of absolute love, a love that is effortlessly there within the truth of a relationship to plumb the depths of, if we are open to receiving it.
A Moment on a True Way Forward
College of Universal Medicine,Webinar Recording
July 2020
In this presentation Annette and Gabe offer a practical and thoroughly road-tested way of living four principles from The Ageless Wisdom Teachings, for a true way forward to developing and evolving in your relationships.
Commitment to Loving Relationships
College of Universal Medicine,Online Course
September 2017
This course offers simple foundational tools in what relationships are about, that will support the development of all relationships, beginning with developing a loving, steady and consistent relationship with ourselves first.
What our clients say ...
My husband and I have been having Skype sessions with Gabe and Annette for the last 3yrs. These sessions have been pivotal in the beautiful…
Recent Articles
Renunciation is part of Healing
Renunciation is a Divine truth and an opportunity to bring about great healing, a clearing of unwanted beliefs and oppressive ideals, a re-setting of standards and foundations in our lives and offers great advancements and evolution for the next level of your living.
Anxiety in Relationships
This article looks at the effect of how someone living with anxiety impacts not only their own lives, but also the lives of anyone in a ‘satellite’ relationship around them.
Turning a Blind Eye to Suicide
This article offers a consideration of the greater level of care and focus that the incidence of suicide globally requires of every one of us, by asking us each to look at our own level of connection or disconnection.
The visible trace of #ghosting
What is Ghosting all about? How did this become a ‘normal’ part of our expression in Dating and then start to pervade into other aspects of our relationships?