Women in Livingness events are workshops that are presented several times a year for all women, hosted by the company Esoteric Women’s Health founded by Natalie Benhayon.
The workshops emerged as a real and direct response to the current issues, everyday sufferings, tensions and health crisis’s that women report and are plainly visible to see affecting many women in our communities. The purpose of these workshops is about supporting women to value themselves more highly and restore the inner connection to their true knowing and innate wisdom, and live more consistently from these true qualities within, rather than adopting stereotypical roles and striving through life with beliefs and the ‘shoulds’ and ‘coulds’ that are imposed upon us by society.
Within this greater forum of these workshops women can feel the commonalities of experience and have the opportunity to express and interact freely. Awareness is raised about what we are settling for as ‘normal’, ways of living that do not nurture a healthy, vital, spunky and energetic woman.
These videos from the Women in Livingness Workshops share just how great it is when women come together to engage on topics that affect us all; there is equality in the realisation that we all feel similarly, and through this understanding of oneness there is always incredible joy and laughter that comes from the often humorous dissection of what is not true in our lives.
Presenters for Women in Livingness Workshops to date include Natalie Benhayon, Annette and Gabe, Jean Gamble, Rebecca Asquith, Karin Becker and Rebecca Poole. Topics that have been covered include Self-Empowerment and Wellbeing, Vulnerability in Relationships, Intimacy in Relationships, Obsession with Body image, and Learning how to not compromise in the relationship with our-self.
To read more please access the Women in Livingness website, and subscribe or follow for the next available workshop. You can also download a free copy of The Women in Livingness Magazine for further reading or buy a hard copy of the magazine from our clinic.
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