The W4 . . . Series is an ongoing delivery of Workshops (W) designed for (4) any specific group we’ve felt an emerging theme to respond to.
The initiation of these Workshops comes about through what we’re seeing and feeling in clients and also by what we’re observing is going on out ‘on the streets’ with people; be it in their relationships, their work life, their health, or simply how people are feeling about life in general.
In essence the W4 Series are Workshops 4 people to come together to open up and explore going deeper in their lives and in their connection to life via shared presentations and discussions focusing on a particular theme. We are there 100% initiating, presenting and holding the discussion; however, like any great counselling session, the depth to which the Workshops can go is very much up to the level of openness and honesty each participant and the group as a whole brings.
Since commencement we have held W4Men and W4Women; W4Singles is on the way too . . .
Nutshell update:
The two initial Workshop 4 Men meetings have been very much about supporting men in their expression, identifying the ways in which men allow the beauty of their expression to be held back, and de-constructing the outside influences that get in the way of their real truth coming to the fore.
The first Workshop 4 Women looked at a true model for evolving in our relationships, starting with looking at the relationship women have with themselves first and the ways in which this can be developed and deepened from a more loving place within. We talked about emotionally sabotaging behaviours, insecurities, being needy and playing small. This Workshop allowed women the space to realise the true power that can be brought into life by simply aligning to their inner knowing, and that being the source of their expression in relationships.